It was great to come across great cafes and restaurants and enjoy the vibrancy of Detroit’s art projects and social enterprises, but the question of how everyone can benefit from its revival remains…
Reimagining the future
What is important to me?
What kind of life do I want to build?
In short, what will the future look like?
Detroit – future city?
Are people in Detroit remaking a life based on old assumptions and principles, or are they going to the roots and foundations in order to fashion something new?
Shifting perspectives
A heady sense of relief results from the shift from a perspective about change that could be likened to pushing your head against a wall to one in which change is a given – something to be worked with
Returning to ourselves
How much does our preoccupation with style icons and other larger than life figures, as well as with bygone eras help us move towards the person we want to be, or to make a difference in the world?
Read all about it…
People, books, stories, ideas and reading are weaving themselves together in my life
Struggle and story
Nigerian writer and poet Chinua Achebe’s reflections on “meaningful optimism” – inspiration when hope seems in short supply
Could postcapitalism be the great leveller?
I’m inspired by the idea that postcapitalism could act as a leveller between men and women, and present us with a location from which a more just society could be created
Caught between despair and hope
Sitting in Peckham, between spells of rain, it was good to hear Alice, urging me to see my life as part of something bigger and, like her, to try to make a difference
PostCapitalism: There are no short cuts
It’s one thing to survive a catastrophe, or any kind of trauma; it’s another thing entirely to recover and start to rebuild