The sound of the old seal is a call to return, to discover a lost way of being that is shaped by connection to soul, to the wild and wise woman who lives at the end of the earth
The de-cluttered life
If I had to sum up this summer, I would say that it’s the time that my energy for living came back: I have cleared my flat of its clutter, moved on some of Mark’s stuff to new adventures, packed away the things that I treasure in some beautiful boxes. I’ve tidied and rearranged the […]
Reaching for something new
We don’t know the answers, only that they won’t come from the same old ways of doing things… So how do we cook up fresh possibilities?
Spring dreaming
What do we need in order to thrive in life?
Listening in…
As I need to build from the ground up, I’m finding it’s an important time to be thinking about ‘how’ I go about constructing, as well as ‘what’…
Struggle and hope
As well as coming to accept struggle as part of life, I seem to have gained some ferocious hope along the way
When ‘why?’ isn’t enough
The discussion around women’s silence need also to include questions about changing a society that doesn’t require that they are listened to
All tomorrow’s parties
What would happen if we walked away, rather than worry about being invited into the party that has well and truly bombed?
The road ahead
It feels like a lot of the work of sorting and sifting through the past, making sense of memories has been done. Now it’s time to move on…
The things I carry with me
The way we approached our wedding is what made it special, and it’s a way I want to continue with into the future