Walking in the darkest of dark woods mirrored how, over the past years, I’ve been re-learning how to find my way…
Spring dreaming
What do we need in order to thrive in life?
By the light of the moon
Full moons are a good time to look back, and January was a month when I could say ‘mission accomplished’
All tomorrow’s parties
What would happen if we walked away, rather than worry about being invited into the party that has well and truly bombed?
Fantasy and the challenge of mourning
If our culture is a collective fantasy, grief is maybe too much of a threat
Still waters
Life might not be as turbulent as it once was, but the skills I learnt during crisis are still important to me
Telling a different story
Where can we find inspiring stories about women who are fiercely determined to bring change about?
Breaking cover
How can we follow the example of women in Spain and bring the knowledge, skills and understanding that we so often privatise or reveal only amongst ourselves into political space?
Making the leap
The idea of leaving ‘the waiting room’ is exhilarating, but terrifying at the same time
Finding a way back
The thought of ‘re-entering’ the world raises a lot of questions about what kind of world I’d be going back to…